Fraunhofer IWU Technical Center


  • 1 What is the Fraunhofer IWU Technical Center?

    The Fraunhofer IWU's technical center is used for research and development regarding additive manufacturing, material development of plastics and fiber-reinforced plastics.
    For teaching purposes, the basics of plastics technology with regard to press forming and 3D printing are deepened and clearly illustrated using practical examples.

  • 2 What is taught in the lab?

    Not only the forming of fiber composites, but also the production of additive components and material testing of a wide variety of materials are taught here. Material testing includes both tensile tests and microscopic analysis.

  • 3. how does the internship fit in with the degree course?

    Practical courses on 3D printing and the production and forming of fiber-reinforced plastics are offered both on the Master's degree course in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in lightweight construction and plastics technologies, and on the undergraduate course.
    This includes all students on the Master's degree course as well as those studying the basics of plastics technology on the Diploma or Bachelor's degree course.

  • 4 How does the internship work?

    The practicals are carried out alongside the lectures and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained from the lectures with practical examples. Before all practicals, there is a short briefing from the laboratory staff, after which the students can carry out experiments themselves.

  • 5. what special equipment does the laboratory have?

    - Laser sintering system from 3D-System sPro 60 HD_HS
    - Stratasys Fortus 900mc
    - Rucks press system KV287.03
    - Universal testing machine Inspekt 100kN
    - Keyence microscope
    - GOM Atos Core 3D scanner

  • 6 How can I register?

    No separate registration is required for the laboratory practicals. They are scheduled according to the timetable.


Fraunhofer IWU, Technical Center Room 105

Professor responsible:

Photo: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Scholz
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Sebastian Scholz
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 210
+49 3583 612-4832
Fraunhofer IWU
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 6
Building F II (Fraunhofer), Room 313
+49 3583 54086 4009