Materials technology and materials testing


  • 1 What is the Materials Engineering laboratory?

    The courses in the materials technology/materials testing laboratory partly serve to deepen basic knowledge from the preceding materials technology course.
    The majority of the courses are dedicated to familiarizing students with materials testing methods and equipment. Students learn about selected materials testing methods and their possible applications and limitations. Some of these methods are applied by the students themselves on prepared material samples.

  • 2 What is taught in the lab?

    The following experiments are carried out as part of the practical course in the materials technology/materials testing laboratory:
    → Experiments to deepen the fundamentals of materials engineering

    •    Thermal analysis,                             
    •    Recrystallization,                                  
    •    Aluminum hardening,  

    → Experiments in materials testing

    •   Tensile test,
    •   Fine strain measurement,
    •   hardness measurement,
    •   Notched bar impact test,
    •   Ultrasonic testing,
    •   microstructure testing,
    •   Magnetic crack testing,
    •   Coating thickness measurement,
    •   metallography.
  • 3. how does the internship fit in with the degree course?

    The internship in the materials engineering/materials testing laboratory takes place in the second semester for students of mechanical engineering and energy and environmental engineering. KIA students on these courses complete the practical course in the second and third semesters.
    In addition, selected materials testing experiments are carried out as demonstration experiments for students on the Housing and Real Estate Management course.

  • 4 How does the internship work?

    The practical laboratory course is carried out in groups of a maximum of 15 students. Some of the experiments are carried out in small groups of up to five students. The courses always begin with an introduction to the current experiment and information on occupational health and safety. This is followed by a short initial test, which is usually carried out in writing. In the practical experiments, particular emphasis is placed on the independent work of the students so that practical skills and abilities are acquired or deepened.

  • 5. what special equipment does the laboratory have?

    The laboratory is equipped with materials testing machines to determine strength, hardness and toughness. Students also have access to modern non-destructive testing equipment. A scanning electron microscope and several light microscopes, some with image processing systems, can be used to examine microstructures.

  • 6 How can I register?

    It is not necessary to register in the laboratory, as the practical course dates are specified in the timetable. The laboratory manager will assign the participants to the experiments.
    The laboratory manager can be contacted by e-mail and by telephone
    (03583 - 612 4807).


House ZVIIc, Halls 8 to 10

Responsible university lecturer:

Photo: Dr.-Ing. Jana Reinhold
Jana Reinhold
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 130
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4948

Responsible laboratory engineer:

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Herrmann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Matthias Herrmann
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Lausitzer Weg 2
Building Z VIIc Halls 8-10, Room
+49 3583 612-4807