Exam organization

  • Registration ex officio
    • Upon enrolment or re-registration, the student is officially registered for the module examinations (PK, PL, PM,...) including preliminary examinations (VL, VB, VK...) scheduled in the study or examination plan for the respective semester.
    • Candidates are obliged to check their registrations in the student portal under "Information on registered examinations" before the start of the examination period.
    • If there are any discrepancies, please contact the Examinations Office (by telephone, e-mail or in person during office hours).
  • Registration ex officio
    • Upon enrolment or re-registration, the student is officially registered for the module examinations (PK, PL, PM,...) including preliminary examinations (VL, VB, VK...) scheduled in the study or examination plan for the respective semester.
    • Candidates are obliged to check their registrations in the student portal under "Information on registered examinations" before the start of the examination period.
    • If there are any discrepancies, please contact the Examinations Office (by telephone, e-mail or in person during office hours).
  • Deregistration
    • Every candidate has the option of deregistering from examinations or preliminary work by submitting an "Application to deregister from an examination" to the Examinations Office no later than two weeks before the start of the respective examination period (the date is shown in the academic year schedule).
    • In this case, the candidate is automatically registered for the next examination or repeat examination.
    • Please note: Failed module examinations must be successfully passed within one year of completing the first examination attempt.
  • Registering for examinations during semesters of leave/practical semesters

    Students on leave of absence/practical semester who wish to take examinations must register at the Examinations Office at least two weeks before the start of the respective examination period using the "Application for Registration" form.

  • Registration for additional (optional) examinations
    • Students who wish to take additional examinations must register with the Examinations Office at least two weeks before the start of the respective examination period using the "Application for registration" form.
    • In the case of optional modules, students can decide whether they would like the module to be shown with a grade or with a certificate. For this purpose, informal written notification (also possible by e-mail) must be sent to the Examinations Office.
    • Please note that only fully completed modules (all partial examinations and preliminary work passed) can be listed on the certificate with a grade or certificate.
    • ECTS points are only certified if grades are awarded.
  • Registration for early completion of examinations (free attempt)
    • Every student has the opportunity to take examinations from higher semesters before the regular examination registration of the respective semester.
    • The examination board of the respective faculty or the lecturer of the module can reject these registrations for capacity reasons.
    • For this purpose, the "Application for registration" must also be submitted to the Examinations Office at  no later than two weeks before the start of the respective examination period.
    • Only one examination attempt per module is possible.
  • Withdrawal from the examination due to illness, childcare, accident, etc.

    If the candidate is unable to take part in an examination, the "Application for recognition of reasons for non-participation" must be completed and submitted within one calendar week :

    • for Zittau degree programs - at the examination office
    • for Görlitz degree programs - to the secretariat of the respective faculty

    within one calendar week. Proof of inability to take examinations (sick bills, accident reports, etc.) and an officially certified German translation of the proof in the case of foreign sick notes must be enclosed with the application.

    The examination board of the respective faculty decides on applications received at a later date. In this case, an informal written justification for the late submission must also be attached to the application and submitted to the Examinations Office.

  • Application for a second repeat examination

    The application for a second repeat examination must be submitted to the Examinations Office within one month of the announcement of the examination results in the student portal. Late or unsubmitted applications will result in de-registration.

  • Admission to the final examination

    After all module examinations prescribed by the examination regulations have been successfully passed, admission to the final thesis is issued ex officio. The Examination Office forwards the admissions to the respective faculties. The deadlines for submitting topics are monitored by the faculty.


All necessary documents and forms can be found in the Forms folder at !