Why you should study here

Studying doesn't just mean learning, writing exams, preparing presentations, completing internships or passing practical exams. Studying with us means finding a new home in the border triangle of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Getting to know people, broadening your horizons. Making plans for the future. Because studying is a lifetime. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we do our best to support you.

Our Mechanical Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering degree programs offer you flexible study options with Bachelor's, Diploma and Master's degrees. If your life plans change, you can easily switch between Bachelor's and Diploma degrees up to the 6th semester.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering welcomes all students of the matriculation 2022!

Link to the recording of the introductory event of the University Computer Center, the University Library and the Center for elearning: https://mediathek.hszg.de/Mediasite/Play/918d6b03fe564ee7b998b6ba1deceee91d

Do you think a traditional degree course is too theoretical or lacking in practical experience? Or are you a master craftsman in a specialist company or a 10th grade graduate and want to achieve more professionally? Then we have the right training program for you with our Cooperative Study Program with Integrated Apprenticeship (KIA).

Get an impression of our possibilities for yourself!

A look around the campus and into the labs. Look over the students' shoulders.

Good career opportunities in large energy and mechanical engineering companies or with regional energy suppliers  

In the field of energy and environmental engineering, you can specialize in renewable energies and energy efficiency technologies or applied radiation technology. With your degree, you will have a wide range of career opportunities in companies such as E.ON, RWE, LEAG, Siemens, ALSTOM, General Electric and at various regional municipal utilities or engineering offices.

In mechanical engineering, you can deepen your knowledge in the fields of construction or production technology. This will lay the foundation for your professional career in companies such as VW, BMW, Daimler Benz, Porsche, Siemens or Bombadier and you will work in design offices, production and manufacturing departments, in factory planning and factory plant construction or in the area of quality assurance and quality management of manufactured products.

The advantages of studying with us at a glance:
  • No overcrowded lecture halls and seminar rooms
  • Laboratory practicals in small groups
  • practical and diploma semesters in industry
  • informal atmosphere
  • One lecturer for 6 students
  • 100% placement rate after graduation

Enjoy life and leisure in Zittau

Mountain bike tours through the Zittau Mountains or dancing the night away in the club - Zittau is a lively student town and the center of a breathtaking landscape. While you study, immerse yourself in life here in Upper Lusatia and get to know Görlitz and our neighboring countries Poland and the Czech Republic. Live inexpensively in the historic old town or in one of our 12 halls of residence with 1047 places, 738 of which are in Zittau.

Curious to see what we're like? Get a first impression of our campus and the picturesque corners of the city in our photo gallery.