
27. March 2024

Student in second life!

The HSZG offers pupils the opportunity to take part in a business studies lecture, including a final exam. Tom Saugel from Christian-Weise-Gymnasium tried it out.

In the winter semester 2023/2024, the Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences once again offered local school students a unique opportunity: to take part in the marketing lecture, which took place as part of the first semester of the business studies course. This lecture not only promised exciting insights into topics such as social media marketing, marketing strategies, consumer behavior, market and competition, but also made it possible to take the exam at the end of the semester and have the knowledge acquired credited towards a later business studies course at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The requirements? A minimum of grammar school grade 10 and attendance at the lecture in Zittau.

"This special opportunity is aimed at getting pupils interested in the world of marketing at an early stage and giving them an insight into the diverse opportunities offered by a degree in business administration," explains Prof. Jörg Kroschel, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering. An opportunity that Tom Saugel, a 16-year-old pupil at Christian-Weise-Gymnasium in Zittau, has successfully seized.

The pupil not only completed the module, but also successfully passed an exam.

Dean Kroschel (right) personally congratulated Tom on his successful completion of the course and presented him with commemorative gifts.
Photo: Zhaniya Pirmoldayeva Dean Kroschel (right) personally congratulated Tom on his successful completion of the course and presented him with commemorative gifts.

As an avid marketing enthusiast, Tom was very excited about the opportunity for students to take part. He found out about it as part of the GRW lessons at his school. The aim of the social studies, legal education and economics subject is to acquire intelligent knowledge about social, political, legal and economic issues in their complexity and interdependence.

Despite the once-a-week lessons, Tom showed diligence and commitment, which he feels has definitely paid off as his understanding of marketing has grown considerably. He was particularly impressed by Professor Sebastian Zips, who delivered the lectures. "His professionalism, dedication and the relevance of the teaching material made the lectures extremely valuable, effective and enriching," enthuses Tom. " Marketing is the field that you can apply almost anywhere," the high school student is convinced, emphasizing why he likes this subject so much.

In the summer semester, pupils will once again have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the academic atmosphere at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: The Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering will then be offering the Business English course. Tom Saugel has already registered for this course. He is looking forward to the start and to continuing his second life as a student.

Dean Prof. Dr. Jörg Kroschel personally congratulated Tom on his successful completion of the course. He presented him with commemorative gifts and wished him every success for his academic and professional future.

Text: Zhaniya Pirmoldayeva

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jörg Kroschel
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Jörg Kroschel
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstrasse 21
Building Z II, Room 112.4
1st floor
+49 3853 612-4644