
30. January 2023

Paperless office - soon to be a reality?

The introduction of an ECMS/document management system laid an important foundation for the digitalization of administrative processes.

Desks without mountains of paper, offices with empty shelves, documents available immediately and everywhere digitally, data secured and filing optimized - a project team led by Chancellor Ms Hollstein and consisting of representatives from HRZ, DTG, DFP and the ERP coordinator Ms Korb has been working on how this can be achieved since 2021.

With the introduction of an enterprise content management system / document management system (ECMS/DMS) at the beginning of this year, an important foundation stone was laid for the digitalization of administrative processes. In particular, the legal obligations associated with the introduction of e-billing prompted the university administration to consider an alternative to paper filing with a view to electronic and audit-proof long-term storage of data. The first sub-project identified was the digitization of the invoice receipt process as part of the ECMS/DMS introduction.

It was not only the legal requirements that ultimately led to the invitation to tender for an ECMS/DMS in June 2022, but also the objective of driving forward digitalization and taking a significant step towards a future-proof and modern university administration. The effects will also be seen in the future at the interfaces with other university departments and stakeholders outside the university.

iklaro GmbH has been a partner for the introduction of the ECM/DMS at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences since September 2022. iklaro GmbH has been commissioned to install and customize the DocuWare software as well as to provide consulting and training. The service provider has already successfully completed similar projects with other universities in Saxony.

Following the installation of the basic DocuWare system in October 2022, the first milestone was the electronic and audit-proof long-term archiving of all incoming invoices as PDF, XRechnung or paper from 01.01.2023, regardless of the input format. All invoices are also automatically transferred to the university's accounting system in the form of an X invoice. In the next step, other (internal) documents, e.g. transfers, expense reimbursements or teaching assignment invoices, will also be archived electronically in the ECMS/DMS.

Another important milestone is scheduled for 2023 with the digitization of documents accompanying invoices. These include procurement orders, delivery bills and reminders. The final goal is to provide an e-file for documents from the procurement and incoming invoice process as well as contract management. In addition, the implementation of electronic workflows, particularly for the approval of incoming invoices, is to be driven forward.

With DocuWare's ECMS/DMS, a building block of a future-proof IT infrastructure has been introduced and the prerequisite for digital change in administration has been created. Holistic digitalization, optimization of administrative business processes, increased efficiency, resource-saving IT usage and flexible, location-independent working are long-term challenges. The paperless office will probably be a while yet. But the first steps on the road to realization have been taken.  

Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Kerstin Korb
Chancellor-related area/digitalization coordinator
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.03
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4980