Study and teaching

Study requirements and study program

  • Admission requirements

    You can start a Bachelor's degree course with us if you have a general or subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification.

    For the KIA (Cooperative Studies with Integrated Vocational Training) course, you must have a training or internship contract with a KIA company. Please note that you should apply approx. 1 year before the start of your training.

    The application period for the degree course is from 15 May to 15 September of each year for the following winter semester.

    All degree courses in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have no admission restrictions (no numerus clausus).

  • Study program

    1st to 3rd semester: Basic studies

    In the first three semesters, you will learn the scientific and technical basics of the course. English for engineers is also part of the curriculum so that you are fit for the international job market after graduation.

    4th to 7th semester: Specialist studies

    In the specialized studies, you will deepen the content from the basic studies in an application-oriented way.


    5th semester: Practical semester

    In this semester, you spend 6 months away from the university and into the practice of a company of your choice.

    7th semester: Bachelor's thesis and defense

    In the final semester, you write your Bachelor's thesis - either at the university or in an industrial company. You will receive the academic degree "Bachelor of Engineering" after completing the defense of your Bachelor's thesis.

    The KIA study form only differs from the Bachelor's degree in the first 3 semesters. During this time, you complete your vocational training in a 4-week rhythm at alternating learning locations (university/company). At the end of this study phase, you will take the IHK examination and receive your 1st vocational qualification.

  • Course content

    The Bachelor's degree program in Energy and Environmental Engineering includes the following specializations:

    • Fundamentals: Engineering Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Technical Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
    • Energy and resource management
    • Basic concepts of energy and environmental engineering
    • Fundamentals of radiation protection and radioecology
    • Energy systems engineering, sustainable heat supply
    • Radiation technology in industry, science and medicine
    • Fundamentals of material conversion