Your opportunities

What opportunities does the apprenticeship offer?

  • Career prospects for future graduates

    With a Master's degree in energy technology, you will be a specialist in your field - for renewable and conventional energy sources as well as radiation technology. This opens up a wide range of career opportunities.

    Become a senior engineer in a medium-sized company in our region. Or pursue an international career and develop sector-specific systems and components for industry, medicine and research.

    With your Master's degree, a career in science and the associated doctorate are also open to you.

  • A career tailored to your individual wishes

    Former graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering hold management positions in the energy technology and energy industry.

    With a Master's degree, you not only have the technical knowledge that small, medium-sized and large companies expect from you, but also the skills to develop creative solutions and incorporate social challenges into your planning.

  • Areas of application
    • Energy supply companies
    • Developers, project planners and operators of energy generation and storage systems
    • Energy-related plant engineering companies
    • Research departments with a focus on energy in large companies
    • Research institutes and universities
    • Engineering/planning offices
    • Technical monitoring and supervisory authorities
    • Application and development of radiation technology systems in industry, medicine and research
    • Storage and disposal technology
    • Nuclear medicine facilities