Your opportunities

What opportunities does the apprenticeship offer?

  • Career prospects for future graduates

    With a degree in mechanical engineering, you are a specialist in your field - in design engineering or production engineering. Decide for yourself which path is right for you.

    Become a senior engineer in a medium-sized company in our region. Or pursue an international career with one of the major car manufacturers such as VW, BMW, Daimler Benz or Porsche.

    Or gain further qualifications. Start your academic career at university with a Master's degree.

  • A career tailored to your individual wishes

    Former graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering also work at Siemens or Bombardier and have found jobs in design offices, production and manufacturing departments, in factory planning and factory plant construction or in the field of quality assurance and quality management.

    With your degree, you will not only have the technical know-how that small, medium-sized and large companies expect from you, but also the skills to develop creative solutions and incorporate social challenges into your planning.

  • Areas of application
    • Mechanical engineering and vehicle construction companies
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Engineering and development offices
    • Approval and supervisory authorities
    • Technical monitoring
    • Research institutes and universities
    • Engineering service companies